Driver Fills Pothole in Cornwall, Frustrating the Road Repair Company

A driver in Cornwall takes matters into their own hands to fill a dangerous pothole, angering the private company responsible for repairs.

In Cornwall, England, a frustrated motorist took action to fix a massive pothole on Tanhouse Road.

With the government slow to respond, the anonymous driver filled the pothole with cement, temporarily reopening the road. However, this DIY fix angered Cornwall’s road repair company, Cormac, which demanded the road be closed again for official repairs.

Cornwall Live

Tanhouse Road had been closed since April due to drainage issues, leaving locals to deal with the dangerous pothole. Despite promises of repairs, the road remained in disrepair for weeks, prompting one fed-up individual to step in.

When the unauthorized repair was discovered, Cornwall Highways launched a search for the person responsible. The repair company’s frustration grew, with officials warning the road would stay closed until “proper” repairs were completed.

This incident in Cornwall mirrors similar acts of civic DIY repair in other cities, such as a Toronto resident who built park stairs himself to avoid costly city delays. While these actions may seem heroic, they often clash with official channels, sparking frustration from the companies in charge.