When Damian Aspinall, a multimillionaire and wildlife enthusiast, introduced his new wife to two of his old friends, he never imagined that he would have to worry about her being “stolen” from him. After all, these friends are gorillas!

Damian had raised Ima and Djalta, two gorillas, from birth until they were twelve years old. At that time, they were old enough to be let out into the wild.

Six years later, Damian decided to return and see them in their natural habitat. He also wanted to show Victoria, his wife, the two gorillas.

As the leader of a nonprofit organization dedicated to animals, Damian has spent years working with injured, abused, and orphaned gorillas. His team has successfully treated and returned numerous of these animals to the wild.Through his work, researching, and learning from the gorillas, Damian has cultivated intimate ties with them. However, he knew his wife had no prior experience with wild animals, and he was unsure about Djalta’s and Ima’s reactions to a stranger.

Damian and Victoria reached the gorillas’ new home after crossing a crocodile-infested river. As they approached the gorillas, they knew they might not be welcome in their territory.

Despite the warnings, Damian and his wife approached the gorillas. The gorillas might not have known Damian after six years apart. The power and propensity for hostility of the gorillas necessitated a cautious approach.

To everyone’s astonishment, however, the magnificent creatures greeted Damian’s return with open arms as if no time had passed.

But how would they feel about Damian’s wife?

See how they first met by watching the video. No one will ever forget this occasion, but I won’t give away too much!

Given that they seemed to want to keep Damian’s new bride for themselves, it is reasonable to believe that Ima and Djalta “approved” of her!

Despite the widespread assumption that this type of attachment mainly happens with pets like dogs and cats, this heartwarming film shows that wild animals may form just as strong bonds with those who have cared for them.

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